Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Assorted Lightbulbs

I was sitting in Quatro's Pizza recently with my family and experienced a small inspiration.  We were waiting patiently for our food and I began to scan the room.  I have eaten there a million times and seen everything on the walls.  We were sat near the doorway to the server's station and as I looked up I saw a shelf with items stored for the restaurant.  I saw an old box labeled "Assorted Lightbulbs" and my mind began to wander.  Think of all the different needs a restaurant has for light bulbs.  I would say they vary quite a bit, but all are useful in some specific way or another.

It dawned on me that the term is fitting of my blog content.  "You ever notice all the prices end in nine?" comes from a line in one of my favorite movies.  The idea was always that there are topics and trains of thought that don't feel like they make sense, but to someone who is trained there is a totally reasonable explanation.  The average consumer doesn't know why the prices end in nine, but an expert in retail does.  If you actually need answer to the question, here it is.

I have decided to change the name to my blog to Assorted Lightbulbs.  My posts are probably only useful in certain situations at certain times.  When they are not, they just sit in a metaphorical box on Blogger waiting to be needed.  Some of my posts never take off and that's okay.  Some take time to take off and become some of my most viewed.  Either way, the box is visited when needed.  Thank you for reading over the years.

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