Monday, October 17, 2011

Be Whats Right About Life

I recently found myself really discouraged about all that is wrong in my world. As a school administrator I have a lot of hot topics on my plate on a daily basis. Bullying just might be the hottest these days. It seems as if everyone is a victim, or a bully, and many hours are devoted by me just to prove that kids are equally mean to each other. Response to Intervention is another good one. How do you help students learn when the reason that they fail is that they just won’t do their homework or that they just don’t have much of a home to go to. I could go on and on but my reality is that people who work in my profession are undergoing huge changes that impact their daily lives and I didn’t even mention the fact that the Illinois General Assembly is trying to take our retirement away.

I decided to follow my own advice. I often tell my students to be what is right about a classroom and not what’s wrong with it. The fact is that I have a lot to be encouraged about. I have a wonderful family that makes coming home from my difficulties worth it. They bring me back to earth and remind me why I bust my tail. I have great friends that remind me of where I came and in the same way remind me of where I am going. I guess my point is that I want to be what’s right about my life and not what’s wrong with it. The next time I feel discouraged about things that are out of my control, I’m just going to focus on those things that keep me in control.

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