Sunday, March 17, 2024

Local Tax Referendums Matter

Election day is upon us again and we often lament on the candidates we get to choose from, but we also get to answer Yes or No to local tax referendums.  I know, we are taxed to death and nobody likes those taxes raised.  Don't just answer No because of the price tag.  These are important issues.  Oddly, the two most important referendums to me will not be on the ballot where I live this election.

The first, and most important to me, is the building referendum for Bethel Grade School where I am the proud Superintendent/Principal.  It will be difficult to hide my bias here, but we have to replace a 108-year-old wing of our building.  It can no longer be maintained and it is cost-prohibitive to fix.  Our current plan is to replace that wing and put it in a different spot on the property to ensure it does not suffer the same fate as the old wing.  We will also be renovating our gym and adding a new lobby, bathrooms, and concession stand.  This will be a big deal for our little school.  In all the conversations I've had, our community wants this, but there will still be those who will focus on the price tag and miss the big picture.  

The second is the West Frankfort Park.  Officials are asking to raise their debt limit to help keep the park running including the Aquatic Center which has become a nice attraction to the park over the years.  More than 100 people use the Aquatic Center each day for a variety of activities.  Look beyond that and you will find a beautiful area that offers so much to the community.  The playgrounds are exceptional, the grounds are well-kept, and you can catch a ballgame almost year-round.  I've read that there has not been a tax increase for this purpose since 1996.  Still, there is a contingent that sees only the price tag.

Here is my plea,  I know it costs money and not all of us can afford it.  However, if we want nice things for our kids, their kids, and so on, we have to pay for them.  When our state or federal income taxes go up, we often have no idea where that money is going.  I think we can all agree that those dollars do not always go where we would like them to.  When a local taxing body asks for an increase for something that we see and use every day, we should be excited.  We can see that progress and can be proud of what our communities can do for their members.  Don't be afraid to vote for a tax increase that you can see working for you directly.

I've done a lot of research in my own effort to pass the Bethel Referendum.  When I looked back on referendum questions in Jefferson County I found that even though statewide tax questions were overwhelmingly voted down, local more community-based tax questions were passing almost 2 to 1.  That tells me that people get it.  It is easier to vote yes, the more local it is.  These local tax referendums matter and please do not feel that a Yes vote is a difficult choice.  Vote for your local needs on Tuesday.

The Catch 22 Known as Social Media

 I, like many, enjoy social media.  In fact, I've always had a bit of a system.  My Facebook account is used for family and friends, Twi...