Customer service work is the best training I have had when it comes to working with people. As a middle school principal I get to see wide range of easy to difficult situations that require tactful responses. Much like when I was a gas station attendant, 95% of my transactions are mundane and required no thought. Then there were those few that defined your whole day, aggravated you, and you told that story for years to come. You went through enough of those episodes and it taught you how to deal with agreeable and non-agreeable people alike. I was kinda good at it.
The biggest take away from those day is the simple courtesy that you show your customers. I'm more of a Dante than a Randall. When I delivered pizza and waited tables, there were always little things I would do for the customer that would potentially yield a better tip. That still applies, but for a different reason. I want my parents and other stakeholders to feel that they are welcome back if they need me.
We can't operate in a pure customer service mindset in public schools, although many that seek us out feel that we can. If we were to operate as if to satisfy every "customer" then we may cross the lines of fairness, violate a policy or heaven forbid, break the law. It is difficult to to articulate this to an upset parent or other stakeholder that seeks us out. The funny thing is, I still want those angry parents to dial me again. Little by little, I want to gain their trust and respect. Even if it takes a few attempts to do it. Here are few tips for those customer service quagmires
- Do not predetermine your response before a visit or a phone call. You never know how it is going to go.
- Be a good listener. Most people that are upset, want to be heard even if you cannot help them.
- Make the situation important to you. It is already important to them.
- Thank them when the exchange is over.
Back then, you might hear me say that this job would be great if it weren’t for the customers. Now that my role is drastically different with a much more important purpose, I’m thankful for my customers. That sounds strange given that I have been yelled at and blasted on social media in the past when I was just trying to help. I'd like tho think I am building a culture of welcome interactions with our parents and community members brick by brick. That takes time and a lot of bricks. It's worth the effort even though Randall might think there a bunch of savages in this town.