I am a huge West Wing fan. Not only because I love politics and this a perfect world to get caught up in, but also there are some great leadership themes that play out in the show. Toby Ziegler is easily my favorite West Wing character next to President Bartlet. In this clip the staff had a $10 bet that Toby would not be able to resist taking the President to task on a bad answer to a potential debate question. I identify with Toby quite a bit. He loves his country and is dedicated to his president to a level that makes him look like a jerk. This is really the only way he knows to express his dedication and patriotism. The joke in the show illustrates that they accept him for who he is and respect his outspokenness.
There is a leadership lesson here for new building principals. As we enter the school year, our rookies will encounter teachers and staff members like Toby Ziegler. I took my first administrative job when I was 31. When you are close to the youngest on the whole staff and you are in charge, this tends to invite a Toby or two. I will never forget mine. He took me to task in our first faculty meeting. I survived his questions and skepticism by staying in the middle of the road on my answers. When I had time later to regroup, I had to make a choice.
I could do one of two things with this "difficult" teacher. I could continue to label him as difficult, avoid him by avoiding difficult subjects and in turn become a weak principal for doing so. The other option is what I chose. I saw his perspective as a strength that I needed to draw from. When you are a teacher, you are always seeking the passions and strengths of your students to help them get better. As a principal, you should be doing this with your building staff. When I began to spend time with him, I started to understand why he was so critical. He had been there for more than 20 years. He has seen people come and go he would be damned if he would see another out of town principal come around and mess it all up. He didn't dislike me at all. He loved his school and I hadn't yet shown to him that I was a part of his school.
New and aspiring principals, embrace your Toby Zieglers. Find the strengths in your staffs and embrace them all. If you take the genuine position that everyone has something to contribute and actually allow it to happen, you will be amazed at what your school will do. I work with a great teaching staff at Central Junior High. We share ownership of our decision making and and constructively disagree. When I have to say no, it is respected as whats good for the school and not a power move. If I have learned anything in ten years of being a principal it is that leadership is never about the upper hand, it is about relationships and what you do with them.
So newbies, how will you set the tone with your new staffs? Will you avoid your Toby Zieglers or will you seek him out? Do you plan on building your relationships with your staff or making sure they who the boss is? If you go back to the clip, the boss initiated the joke. This wasn't to embarrass him but to see and confirm his passion. Yes they laughed, but they know when push comes to shove Toby is loyal and dedicated to the group and the mission. Isn't this what you want in your school staff? Let me tell you, your progress potential is endless when each person is committed to each other. If you want that kind of environment, you can't run from your Toby Zieglers.