Saturday, July 14, 2012

In Defense of the 8 Year Old Softball Player

My immediate disclaimer for this entry is that it is not about my daughter. Its about kids and making sure they learn how to compete and play.

I was involved in a scenario that broke my heart as a coach, educator, parent, and community member. It appeared that the coaches from the other team had fixed the tournament championship game to ensure their victory. Rules were not followed or they were changed during the pre-game meeting to make it happen. Just as in my post entitled Wrong Direction, these adults manufactured “self esteem” for their kids. I will be clear and say that their girls played very well offensively and we didn’t make enough plays to win, but this gentle adjusting of the rules gave them enough cushion to get by. Hats off to our coach for following the rules all season long and pushing our kids to make them better.

That’s what it is all about people. A common comment I heard yelled by their parents during the game was. “its about the kids!” but I’m not convinced it was. What out there was really is about the kids? How much out there is about parents placing their kids in certain positions to win? I would say too many organizations do the latter.

In an effort to defend the 8 year old softball player, I would like to invite to take a look at an organization that is about girls and female athletes. Visit

It is very important that we build our girls into respectable young women. Sports can help us get there but we have to do it the right way. I will challenge all adults, not just parents, to step up and make sure our kids have a fair and safe place to develop. Shame on any adult that chooses convenience over character and principle.

The Catch 22 Known as Social Media

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