Many students think I'm joking when I tell them that our very own John A. Logan came up with the idea for Memorial Day. When they hear the words John A. Logan, they usually think of a large high school without bells or lockers. (I am a proud alumni by the way) But its true. General John A. Logan first declared Memorial Day on May 5, 1868 in his General Order No. 11. ( If you visit the link you will read and understand the purpose for such a holiday and it really begins to humble you.
My favorite movie of all time, and there will be no other, is Saving Private Ryan. The images truly make me appreciate the high price of freedom and also brings me back down to Earth. The part of the movie that always makes me choke up is the end of the movie when a aged Private Ryan asks his wife to tell him he had led a good life. He lived knowing that he had to earn the quality of life afforded him by soldiers he never knew. Lots people tell me that the premise of the movie is not realistic. Sending a squad of men to find a single soldier is a waste of resources and only makes for a good movie. That may be right but the real premise of the movie can be lost. Watch the clip and tell me that it doesnt center you. (
Had there not been a holiday we would have one less opportunity to reflect on the sacrifice of others and be thankful for our way of life. Put flowers out this Memorial Day and fly your flag proudly. Better yet, fly it everyday.