When you decide you will spend your life in a career that is rewarding to you, you will give it everything you've got. When you choose a career that serves the public and society in general, you better do better than your best.
This week a former teacher was convicted of selling cocaine out of his house. He was found guilty and sentenced to four years of probation. This is not good enough.
Teachers spend every day of their lives trying to steer kids away from the punishment that this man deserved. Mr. Monroe was paid by taxpayers to so the same and now he basically walks free. He painted himself as an addict but most addicts spend their time getting their drug of choice, not profiting from it. He is not a good person and he violated the public trust.
State's Attorney Mike Henshaw said, "My job is to do justice and I hope that's justice." Wow, I can't even tell how well that does not sit with me. I have an idea though. Let change the make up of the court to teachers and school administrators and throw in a parent or two. I can guarantee the outcome would be fair and just.
I realize that there are bad people in every profession but that does not mean we should excuse their behavior. A major reason for the probation sentence was that he had a clean record. You have to have a clean record to hold a teaching certificate and that does not mean that Mr. Monroe was living a clean life.
If you love your profession, do all you can to rid it of people like this. They only drag us down and insult what we do for others. Shame on the Saline County system of justice.